70. Marta Uetela
Marta Uetela is an industrial designer who is a very energetic and positive individual that from a selfless act, started an organisation that is changing the lives of many, one step at a time. She won the second-best green startup in Africa, the number one prize in the 6th edition of the competition SeedStars in Maputo, and the 193rd Commonwealth Point of Light, but those are not even her most significant achievements. Guiding us by connecting the dots, she explains how design, welding, being encouraged by her father and brothers at a young age to get involved in mechanics, and another myriad of unusual events got her in the position she is today.
62. Karina “Koko” Jamal
Karina is a green entrepreneur. Her path started in Gaza, passed by Zambézia, Nampula and used Maputo as its launching pad. She's an entrepreneur and author who challenges every adversity head-on without losing her enthusiasm but has truly made the most of it. In this episode, we talk about the origins of Koko Boxes, not being afraid of asking for assistance, quitting her job and her plans of manufacturing in Mozambique.
29. Iria Marina
Iria Marina is an architect by trade, a designer and photographer at heart. She's a dreamer, a businesswoman and trendsetter who in her own words she's "discovering how to adult". In this episode, we talk about her collaborations, origami masks, Green is the New Black, setting up her own business, 90's project, weddings, reading culture and online shopping in Mozambique.